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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

Student Corner

Students' Achievement

Sl. No. Name of the Student and Activity Year
1 Mr. Siwalik Mishra, 4th year student has actively participated in “Adzap, India calling” competition held at spring fest 2016, IIT Kharagpur 2016
2 Mr. Siwalik Mishra, 4th year student has won the 3rd prize in the “Adzap” competition, held at IIT Kharagpur 2016
3 Mr. Siwalik Mishra, 4th year student has secured 2nd position in “Catechize” event in STHAPNA 2016 held at VSSUT, Burla. 02-03Apr 2016
4 Ms.Toshali Tanmayee Sahu, 4th year student participated in VSSUT MUN 2k16. 06-07 Feb, 2016
5 Ms. Toshali Tanmayee Sahu, 4th year student has secured 1st position in “Twin Story” event of VASSAUNT 2k16 held at VSSUT Burla. 19-22 Mar 2016
6 Ms.Toshali Tanmayee Sahu, 4th year student has achieved “grade of 9th kyu white-yellow strip belt” included in the record of “Shotokan Chidokan Karate-Do Federation India (SCKFI) 29 Feb 2016
7 Ms.Toshali Tanmayee Sahu, 4th year student has participated in Parliamentary Debate competition held at Spring Fest 2016 at IIT Kharagpur 2016
8 Ms. P.Rajitha, 4th year student has participated in Shuffle (dance) competition held at Spring Fest 2016 held at IIT Kharagpur 2016
9 Ms. Gayatri Sahoo, 4th year student, has secured 2nd position in “Catechize” event in STHAPNA 2016 held at VSSUT, Burla 02-03 April 2016
10 Ms. Gayatri Sahoo, 4th year student has secured consolation prize in Dexterity (CAD Design) in STHAPNA 2016 held at VSSUT, Burla 02-03 April 2016
11 Ms. Gayatri Sahoo, 4th year student secured 3rd prize in “Terramind” event held at Megalith 2016, at IIT Kharagpur. 2016
12 Ms. Gayatri Sahoo, 4th year student has actively participated in Megalith 2016, at IIT Kharagpur. 2016
13 Ms. Snigdha Behura, 4th year student has participated in the national level debate competition held at IIT Kharagpur 2016
14 Ms.Snigdha Behura , 4th year student has participated in VSSUT  MUN 2016  and held the position of director general in the VSSUT MUN 2016
15 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has actively participated in ROBOCON 2016 at national robotic contest held at Pune 3rd-5th March, 2016
16 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has secured second runners up in the macro category of Tata structural consilium held by Tata Steel ltd 11th May, 2016
17 Mr. Anil Pradhan, 4th year student has actively participated in “Go Green in the City 2016” at IIT Kharagpur. September ,2016
18 Mr. Tapan Kumar Barik, 4th year student has participated in the event “Hydraulic Arm Design” in STHAPNA 2016 held at VSSUT Burla. 02-03Apr 2016
19 Mr. Arpan Kumar Pujari, 4th year student has participated in the event “Hydraulic Arm Design” in STHAPNA 2016 held at VSSUT Burla. 02-03Apr 2016
20 Ms. Freya Ray, 3rd yr student won the first prize in NATYASHASTRA, the theatre competition, at NIT Rourkela. 05th Feb, 2016
21 Ms. Freya Ray, 3rd yr student won the best actress award in Spring Fest 2016, IIT Kharagpur in RANGMANCH, the theatre competition. 28th, Jan 2016
22 Ms. Freya Ray, 3rd yr student won the second prize in AAGHAZ, the street play competition held at XIMB, Bhubaneswar. 15th November, 2015
23 Mr. A. Mohapatra, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
24 Mr. D. Mohapatra, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
25 Mr. S. Mishra, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
26 Mr. A. Mohapatra, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
27 Mr. P. Das, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
28 Ms. S. Das, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
29 Ms. P. Sabat, 2nd year student has actively participated in annual technical festival “INNOVISION 2015” at NIT Rourkela. 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
30 Mr. Prachetosh Sahoo, 4th year student participated in VSSUT MUN 2k15 at VSSUT, Burla 14-15 Feb 2015
31 Ms. P.Rajitha, 4th year student participated in the Ravenshaw Model United Nations held at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. 03-05 July 2015
32 Ms. Snigdha Behura , 4th year student has participated inVSSUT MUN 2015 held at VSSUT ,Burla 14-15 Feb 2015
33 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has worked as campus ambassador during INNOVISION held in NIT, Rourkela. 30 Oct -1 Nov 2015
34 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has won the hydraulic bridge design challenge at INNOVISION at NIT,Rourkela. 30 Oct -1 Nov 2015
35 Ms. Tanvi Kiran, 4th year student has actively participated in GeetiNatya event during “EMOUVOIR 2014” at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
36 Ms. Tanvi Kiran, 4th year student has actively participated in “global Entrepreneurship Summit” at IIT Kharagpur. 10-12th Jan, 2014
37 Mr. Siwalik Mishra, 4th year student was a finalist in the DDM IT QUIZ 2014 organised by Mindfire solutions. 09 March 2014
38 Ms. Tanvi Kiran 4th year student has attended the “National Integration Camp-II” held at NIT Rourkela. 19 Dec-30 Dec 2014
39 Ms. Karubaki Dixit, 4th year student has actively participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
40 Mr. Pinak Paritosh Patro, 4th year student has participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
41 Mr. Prachetosh Sahoo, 4th year student participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
42 Mr. Umakant Pradhan, 4th year student has secured 2nd position in the “Seven Miles” event at Samaveh 2014 held at VSSUT, Burla. 07-09 Feb 2014
43 Ms. Tanvi Kiran, 4th year student participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
44 Ms. Tanvi Kiran, 4th year student won the “Tug of War” competition in the 6th Annual Athletic Meet held at VSSUT, Burla. 08-09 Nov 2014
45 P.Rajitha, 4th year student participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
46 Ms. P. Rajitha, 4th year student secured 1st position in Kho-Kho in the 6th Annual Athletic Meet held at VSSUT, Burla. 08-09Nov 2014
47 Ms. P. Rajitha,4th year student secured 2nd position in Yoga in the 6th Annual Athletic Meet held at VSSUT, Burla. 08-09Nov 2014
48 Ms. P. Rajitha, 4th year student participated in GeetiNatya event during EMOUVOIR held at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
49 Ms. Pallavi Mishra, 4th year student participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb2014
50 Ms. Snigdha Behura, 4th year student participated in “Civil Simplified National Level Bridge Design Challenge” in association with IIT BHU organised at VSSUT, Burla. 02 Feb 2014
51 Ms. Snigdha Behura, , 4th year student has secured 1st position in the “Seven Miles” event at Samaveh 2014 held at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
52 Ms. Snigdha Behura 4th year student has secured first position in essay writing in VASSAUNT 2014 at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
53 Ms. Snigdha Behura 4th year student has secured second position in poem writing in VASSAUNT 2014 at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
54 Ms. Snigdha Behura 4th year student has secured third position in “SAMADHAN EVENT” held at VSSUT, Burla. 2014
55 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has actively participated in the workshop on “Professional research skills:” held at VSSUT, Burla. 14 Sep 2014
56 Mr. Anil Pradhan 4th year student has secured second prize in hydraulic bridge design challenge at INNOVISION at NIT, Rourkela. 30 Oct -2 Nov 2014
57 Mr. Tapan Kumar Barik, 4th year student has secured best fabrication award in the “Bridge Design Challenge” conducted by IIT BHU at Bhubaneswar. 15-16 Dec 2014
58 Mr. Siwalik Mishra, 4th year student has actively participated in “INNOVISION 2013” at NIT, Rourkela. 08 Nov 2013
59. Mr. Pinak Paritosh Patro, 4th year student has participated in Photoshop workshop conducted by i3indya Technologies at VSSUT, Burla. 13 Aug 2013
60 Mr. Umakant Pradhan, 4th year student has participated in Photoshop workshop conducted by i3indya Technologies at VSSUT, Burla. 13 Aug 2013
61 Mr. Umakanta Pradhan, 4th year student has actively participated in the “ANDROIDBOTICS” held at VSSUT, Burla. 16-17 Nov 2013
62 Ms. Tanvi Kiran, 4th year student was the runner up of “Tug of war” competition in the 5th annual athletic meet held at VSSUT, Burla 26-27 Oct 2013
63 Ms. P. Rajitha, ,4th year student has participated in Photoshop workshop conducted by i3indya Technologies at VSSUT, Burla 02 November 2013
64 Ms. P.Rajitha, 4th year student secured 3rd position in Yoga in the interyear sports meet at VSSUT Burla 21-23 Oct 2013
65 Ms. Pallavi Mishra, 4th year student has participated in Photoshop workshop conducted by i3indya Technologies at VSSUT, Burla 26-27 Oct 2013
66 Ms. Pallavi Mishra, 4th year student won 1st position in Kho-Kho in the 5th annual athletic meet held at VSSUT, Burla 26-27 Oct 2013
67 Ms. Pallavi Mishra, 4th year student won 2nd position in the Back Running event in the 5th annual athletic meet held at VSSUT, Burla 26-27 Oct 2013

Students' Activities

Sl. No. Name of the Event Date and Year
1 STHAPANA-2011 16th and 17th April, 2011
2 Farewell ceremony-2011 24/04/2011
3 Welcome ceremony-2011 29/10/2011
4 An invited talk by Prof. S. K. Bhattacharyya, Director, CBRI Roorkee on “Advances in cementitious materials and mechanics”. 25/02/2012
5 Farewell ceremony-2012 18/03/2012
6 STHAPANA-2012 24th and 25th March, 2012
7 Welcome ceremony-2012 19/11/2012
8 Farewell ceremony-2013 15/04/2013
9 STHAPANA-2013 20th and 21th April, 2013
10 Welcome ceremony-2013 16/10/2013
11 Farewell ceremony-2014 13/03/2014
12 STHAPANA-2014 29th and 30th March, 2014
13 Talk by Er. G. P. Roy, Odisha Water Planning Organization on “Flood Management Recent Techniques”. 20/08/2014
14 An invited talk by Prof. S. K. Sahu, Professor, NIT Rourkela on “Dynamic analysis of delaminated composite doubly curved panels subjected to  Hygrothermal Environment”. 25/10/2014
15 An invited talk by Prof. D. K. Baidya, Professor, IIT Kharagpur on “Earthquake and liquefaction of soils”. 25/10/2014
16 An invited talk by Prof. V. R. Desai, Professor, , IIT Kharagpur on “Comparison of Effective Drought Index (EDI) and Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI): A case study for Srivrinarayan Region in Mahanadi basin ”. 25/10/2014
17 An invited talk by Prof. A. Deb, Associate Professor,  IIT Kharagpur on “Some current research problems in Computational Mechanics for structural engineering”. 26/10/2014
18 An invited talk by Prof. B. Maitra, Associate Professor,  IIT Kharagpur on “Emerging issues in Indian urban public transportation systems and recent initiatives by IIT Kharagpur”. 26/10/2014
19 An invited talk by Er. S. K. Dash, Project Manager OSDM, Odisha on “Role of Environment Engineers in management of natural disaster”. 26/10/2014
20 Welcome ceremony-2014 19/11/2014
21 An invited talk on Cement Industries by Er. Sujit Mishra, Konark Cement Limited, Bargarh, Odisha 22/01/2015
22 STHAPANA-2015 11th and 12th April, 2015
23 Farewell ceremony-2015 21/04/2015
24 Welcome ceremony-2015 05/10/2015
25 Mr. A. Mohapatra 30th Oct. to 1st Nov. 2015
26 An invited talk by Prof. D. Sen, Professor, IIT Kharagpur on “Mathematical modelling of floods in rivers and flood plains”. 07/11/2015
27 An invited talk by Prof. N. V. R. Rao, Professor, JNTU Hyderabad on “Innovative structural forms for high rise buildings ”. 07/11/2015
28 An invited talk by Prof. M. R. Barik, Associate Professor, NIT Rourkela on “METAPOST: A tool for quality”. 08/11/2015
29 An invited talk by Prof. D. K. Baidya, Professor, IIT Kharagpur on “Earthquake resistant design of shallow foundation”. 08/11/2015
30 An invited talk by Prof. M. Panda, Professor, NIT Rourkela on “Recycling for sustainable pavement”. 08/11/2015
31 An invited talk by Prof. A. K. Rath, Professor, KIIT Bhubaneswar on “Challenges of India’s Mars Mission”. 02/04/2016
32 STHAPANA-2016 2nd and 3rd April, 2016
33 Farewell ceremony-2016 19/04/2016
34 An invited talk by Prof. B. Maitra, Associate Professor, IIT Kharagpur on “Travel behaviour modelling”. 26/04/2016
35 An invited talk by Dr. S. Maitra, Scientific Officer, IIT Kharagpur on “Concrete pavement: Recent developments”. 26/04/2016
36 An invited talk by Prof. K. S. Reddy, Professor, IIT Kharagpur on “Pavement evaluation and remedial measures”. 28/04/2016
37 An invited talk by Prof. S. Roy, Professor, IIEST Kolkata on “Traffic flow theory”. 29/04/2016
38 An invited talk by Er. R. P. Panda, Regional officer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways on “Public and Private participation in highway construction”. 30/04/2016

Students' Publication

Sl. No Title of Paper Authors Name of Conference
1 Strengthening of square RC columns using externally bonded FRP sheets A.N.Nayak,
R. B. Swain,
G. N. Prajapati and
S. Swetapadma
International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering-CSM-2014, IRED, USA
2 Performance evaluation of low cost microbial fuel cell in electricity production C. R. Mohanty and S. Jena Annual Students’ Seminar, STHAPANA-2016, VSSUT, Burla
3 Arsenic- The silent killer Neha Gupta, Jangyaseni Pradhan and
Preet Tripathy
Annual Students’ Seminar, STHAPANA-2016, VSSUT, Burla
4 Validation of computational fluid dynamics codes with experimental data in open channel flow D. Nayak,
L. Mohanty and K.C. Patra
National workshop RACE-2014 at VSSUT, Burla
5 Seismic effectiveness of tuned mass damper and tuned liquid damper on a structure Sanchita Behera and Amar Nath Nayak Annual Students’ Seminar, STHAPANA-2016, VSSUT, Burla
6 In-Situ shear strength of phyllite rock mass E.Rakesh Reddy, E.Saibaba Reddy
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICETSTEM 2015)
7 Effect of gypsum on atterberg limits and compaction characteristics of soil E.Rakesh Reddy, E.Saibaba Reddy and
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
8 Air quality study of a steel city Rourkela, Orissa E.Rakesh Reddy, E.Saibaba Reddy and
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference on Geo-Engineering and Climate Change Technologies for Sustainable Environmental Management – GCCT 2015, MNNIT, Allahabad, UP
9 Behavior of laterally loaded piles in layered soil E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
Annual Students’ Seminar, STHAPANA-2016, VSSUT, Burla
10 Behavior of Rigid Footing under Inclined and Eccentric Loading E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
Annual Students’ Seminar, STHAPANA-2016, VSSUT, Burla
11 Sustainable Reuse of Stabilized and Fiber Reinforced Fly-Ash Lime Sludge as Pavement Sub-Base Material E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
National Level Civil Engineering Symposium at JNTU, Hyderabad
12 Experimental Studies on Cyclic properties of Cemented Marine Clay E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference for Modern Engineering, Science and Engineering (IER-ICMEST 2016) at Salem, Tamil Nadu
13 Consolidation Behavior of Black Cotton Soil and Mine Tailings Mixtures Treated with Lime E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research at Chennai (ICDER Chennai 2015)
14 Effects of Non-Liquefiable Sand Layer on Shallow Foundations E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
National Conference of Recent Innovations in Science and Technology (NCRISET 2016at Pune, Maharashtra
15 Hardness and Tensile Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum AA6351 Alloy E.Rakesh Reddy, P. Ram Reddy and
B.Haritha Reddy
National Metallurgy Engineering Students Symposium, Amalgam-2015 at IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu
16 Centrifuge Model Studies on the Performance of Slopes With and Without Nails Subjected to Seepage E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research- Vijayawada, AP
17 Effect of Coir Mat and Coir Fibre reinforcement on shear strength of dry sand E.Rakesh Reddy, and
B.Haritha Reddy
JNTU Anantapur College of Engineering Pulivendula in Aashray 2016
18 Intelligent Road Transport System, using relay data in a network of traffic signals in Indian conditions E. Satish Reddy and
E.Rakesh Reddy
International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research-Vijayawada, AP
19 Soil Stabilization using Pozzolanic Material and Jute Fibre E. Satish Reddy and
E.Rakesh Reddy
National Conference of Recent Innovations in Science and Technology (NCRISET 2016), Chennai, Tamil Nadu