Research & Consultancy
Department of civil engineering extends its human resources and equipments for service of the nation. Main aim of these is to promote industry-academia interaction. Depending upon the requirement, broadly two types of jobs are undertaken with standard nominal charges including routine testing, certification and calibration work and industrial consultancy to solve some problem in the specified industry. A few selected areas in which department actively providing consultancy services is given below
Structural Engineering Group
Scopes for Consultancy services
- Analysis, design and proof checking of multi storey buildings, bridges, liquid storage tanks, silos, transmission and mobile towers and other civil engineering structures.
- Quality assurance service during construction
- Analysis, design of composite materials and structures
- Condition assessment of structures using non-destructive methods
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of structures
- Service for repair, retrofitting and rehabilitation of structures
- Quality control and quality assurance of different construction materials like concrete, cement, coarse and fine aggregates
- Durability and microscopic studies of concrete materials
- Mechanical and physical properties like density, dimension, tensile and compressive strength, bend and rebend and percentage of elongation of steel specimen (HYSD & MS) and wood.
- Tensile and compressive strength of splice steel members.
- Fracture test of built up rolled steel section.
- Concrete mix design and recommendation
Scopes for Research
- Structural dynamics vibration analysis of stiffened isotropic and laminated plates and shell
- Development of sustainable construction materials using industrial waste
- Retrofitting of concrete structures using FRP composites
- Energy dissipation systems for seismic resisting design
- Nonlinear analysis using finite element method
- Application of nano-science in cement and concrete
- Structural health monitoring using vibration based techniques
- Application of swarm intelligence in structural engineering problem solving
- Structural vibration control using dampers
- Seismic vulnerability assessment
- Low cost housing
- Meso-mechanics based study of concrete
- Erosive failure of concrete
- Study on confinement and size-effect of concrete
- Dynamic response of foundations
- Post disaster emergency shelter
Geotechnical Engineering Group
Scopes for Research and Consultancy
- Mechanism of breaching of fuse plug in earthen dams
- Geotechnical investigation and testing
- Determination of Soil Index Properties
- Particle size Analysis
- Determination of safe bearing capacity of soil/ foundation
- Determination of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density
- Ground improvement
- Foundation analysis design (deep and shallow)
- Dynamic properties of layered/non-homogeneous soil
- Discrete fibre reinforced soil
- Stabilization of expansive soil
- Machine foundations
- Dynamic behaviour of reinforced slope
- Geotechnical earth-quake engineering
Geodetic Engineering Group
Scopes for Research and Consultancy
- Contouring and area survey with total station
- Determination of capacity of different industrial ponds
- Design of coal handling plants
- Quantity surveying
- Hydrographic Survey
- GPS and DGPS Survey
- Road Survey
- Survey of water bodies
- Astronomical observations
- Hydrographic surveying by using DGPS and Echo Depth Sounder
- Remote sensing and GIS
- Photo interpretation and terrain mapping
Transportation Engineering Group
Scopes for Consultancy services
- Testing different properties of construction materials
- Quality control and assurance of transportation projects and structures
- Conducting different traffic studies and analysis
- Public Transport system management
- Design and evaluation of flexible and rigid pavement
- Travel behaviour analysis
- Road safety evaluation and management
- Bituminous mix design
- Intersection planning and evolution
- Corridor Planning and management
Scopes for Research
- Travel Behaviour Modelling
- Public Transport system Planning and Management
- Road Safety and Audit
- Demand prediction through system dynamic approach
- Analytical approaches to pavement design
- Industrial waste utilization in road construction
- Heterogeneous Traffic flow modelling
Environmental Engineering Group
Scopes for Consultancy services
- Testing of all parameter for storm and waste water
- Air quality test and monitoring
- Solid waste management (municipal, industrial and bio-Medical)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Assessment of sanitation and Hygiene
- Prediction of surface and ground water pollution
- Municipal and industrial waste management
- Municipal landfill design and operation management
- Waste reclamation and wetland development
- Waste water treatment plant design and operation
- Analysis and Design of Water Supply System and Treatment Plant
- Fly ash management
Scopes for Research
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Â Industrial waste utilization
- Ground water pollution
- Air pollution
- River Bank Filtration
- Hazardous waste management
- River bank filtration
- Industrial Air and Water pollution management
Water Resources Engineering Group
Scopes for Consultancy services
- Urban drainage planning
- Rainfall - runoff modelling
- Sedimentation studies of reservoir
- Integrated Water Resources management applying Artificial Intelligence
- Model study of hydraulic structures
- Flood prediction and optimal irrigation management
- Testing of PVC, CI, GI pipes for bursting strength, impact, chemical resistance, heat, etc.
- Feasibility study of dams and reservoirs
- Safety and stability studies of hydraulic structures
- Measurement of 2D velocity in open channel using ADV Meter.
- Measuring 3 D velocity in flumes & open channel using Micro ADV
- Flood forecasting through continuous measurement of water level in open channel and river using Automatic Water Level Recorder
- Sedimentation and rating curve studies by determining the depth of water in reservoir and river cross section using Echo Depth Sounder.
- Stability analysis of Ash Pond Dyke
Scopes for Research
- Rainfall runoff modelling for forecasting flood
- Watershed modelling for flood and sediment control
- Reservoir sedimentation study for capacity enhancement
- Short term flood flow prediction using soft computing techniques
- Optimal irrigation management using swarm intelligent techniques
- Study of turbulence characteristics in open channels
- Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater for optimal use of irrigation water
- Characterisation of water logged areas using remote sensing and GIS
- Optimal management of multi-reservoir system
- Low flow forecasting for fighting draught
- Multivariate analysis for hydrologic forecasting
- Effect of climate change on watershed hydrology
- Dam break analysis for safety assurance of dams
- Time Series analysis for forecasting rainfall and runoff
- Safety analysis of earthen dams
The current research works that are being carried out in the department are:
- Institute is one of the “State Technical Agency” (STA) appointed by “National Rural Roads Development Agency”(NRRDA), Ministry of Rural Development, Govt.of India, New Delhi. As STA the department is involved in scrutiny of the DPRs for rural roads under PMGSY including quality monitoring and research activities to PMGSY roads. As the Head of this department is a member of the state level steering committee for PMGSY works of Orissa, the department also takes part in the policy making decision for implementation of the above works in the state.
- The Department is one of the ‘ State Resource Institute’ (SRI) appointed by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for supporting the ‘National Programme Capacity Building for Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management’ (NPCBEERM) in state. The Govt. of Orissa has identified this department for providing practical training to the engineers in practice of the state and guidance to the urban local bodies as consultant in structural design and construction of earthquake resistant building.
- The department is entrusted to prepare developmental plan of Sambalpur town under Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) by Ministry of Urban Developments, Govt. of India. Under this programme, the department has already prepared DPR in six major sectors, such as, Development & Improvement of Roads, Bridges and Parking Lots of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 58 Crores), Water Supply to Uncovered Area of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 24 Crores), Improvement of Sanitation System of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 5 Crores), Solid Waste management of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 3 Crores), Preservation & Development of Water Bodies and Water Retaining Structures of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 8 Crores), Unban Renewal and Heritage Conservation of Sambalpur Town (Rs. 9 Crores) for the holistic development of the Sambalpur town and submitted to Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India for necessary financial support. The Govt. of India has already sanctioned the budget for two sectors namely, Water supply and sanitation.
- The “Integrated Wasteland Development Project” (IWDP) is taken up by the department to give technical guidance for holistic development of Kilasama Mini-Watershed of Kilasama G.P., Dhanakauda Block of Sambalpur District. This project is funded by the Department of Rural Development, Govt. of India, being an implementation Project; it is operated by the Watershed Association in the village level with direct involvement of beneficiaries such as SHGs and User groups.
- The Department has conducted the Hydrological Survey work for Ash Pond and Redmud Pond at NALCO, M&R Complex, Damanjodi.
- The “Hydrological survey for measurement of total area of power channel in Hirakud power system supported by Orissa Hydro Power Corporation(OHPC) through IDCO” is taken by the Department.
- The Department has provided the technical inputs for rehabilitation of Training Centre of NTPC, Kaniah using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques.
8. The Department involves in regular extensive laboratory testing of Civil Engineering Materials such as, Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregates, Steel, Water, Soil, Bitumen etc., received from various Govt., Public and Private Sectors.
Sl. No | Name of Faculty | Name of project | Funding Agency | Grants Received (Rs.) |
1 | Prof. A. N. Nayak Dr. C. R. Mohanty |
Characterization of LWC using ash cenosphere | DST (2015) | 13,23,000 |
2 | Dr. C. R. Mohanty Dr. R. R. Dash |
Field trials of low cost fluoride filter | DST (2014) | 12,78,000 |
3 | Prof. P. K. Pradhan Dr. C. R. Mohanty |
MODROB (Env. Engg Lab) |
AICTE (2014) | 18,04,000 |
4 | Prof. P. K. Das | MODROBS ( Hydraulic Flow Lab) |
AICTE (2014) | 20,00,000 |
64,05,000 |
Sl.No | Name of Project(Last Five Years) | Agency | Consultancy charges (Rs. In Lakhs) |
1 | Testing of Civil Engg. materials | Various agencies | 79.75 |
2 | Scrutiny of DPR of PMGSY roads and bridges | NRRDA | 28.85 |
3 | Geotechnical exploration and tests to be conducted for assessing subsoil condition for construction of 928 quarters (G+8) for Basundhara area of MCL (2016) | MCL, Burla | 6.63 |
4 | Construction of two blocks of (B+S+9)(Block A) &)(Block B) multistoried apartment building and one block of (G+2) (Block C) residential building at Dumduma (Phase-VI) Construction of MIG two blocks (B+S+8) LIG two Blocks (S+8 ) multistoried EWS- Two Blocks (G+4) & EWS- Two Blocks (G+4) and 6 nos. buildings at Dumuduma Bhubaneswar (Phase-VII) |
OSHB | 7.33 |
5 | Construction of A-type school building 9 unit staff quarters, Boundary wall etc. & construction of Kendriya Vidyalaya No- 6- Pokhoriput, BBSR, Odisha | HSCL-BBSR | 1.42 |
6 | NDT for concrete of Silo foundation (2015) | Aditya Aluminium | 06.90 |
7 | Hydraulic &structural design of water treatment plant for Rengali Area (2015) | RWSS division, Sambalpur | 01.50 |
8 | Study on environmental impact of fly ash from major thermal power plants in Odisha (2015) | SPCB Odisha | 13.50 |
9 | Audit report on fly ash generation and utilisation in coal based thermal power stations of Odisha (2014) | SPCB Odisha | 02.90 |
10 | Non-destructive Test of Bank’s Office Building and Residential Buildings.(2014) | RBI, BBSR | 04.40 |
11 | Checking on stability of main and other residential buildings of RBI using latest EQ codes, Bhubaneswar (2011) | RBI, BBSR | 09.50 |
12 | Checking of design and drawing for the construction of Town Hall cum Auditorium.(2012) | NAC Binika | 0.95 |
13 | Vetting of Hydraulic design, Structural Design and Estimates of Water Treatment Plant (2015) | RWSS division, Sambalpur | 0.92 |
14 | Proof Checking of structural Design & Drawing and Conducting NDT and Issue of Structural Stability Certificate of Part C Building.(2011) | CIPET, BBSR | 0.80 |
15 | Checking of Structural Drawings and Adequacy of Self-supporting Towers. (2012) | MCL, Burla | 01.20 |
TOTAL | 166.55 |
List of Doctoral Students
Sl. No. | Name of student | Year of award | Guide |
1 | Dr. M.C. Sahu | 1980 | Prof. R.N. Das |
2 | Dr. M.S. Rao | 1981 | Self Guided |
3 | Dr. A. P. Mishra | 1982 | Prof. B. Behera |
4 | Dr. N.K. Pattanayak | 1985 | Prof. R.N. Das |
5 | Dr. J. Pradhan | 1999 | Prof. M.S. Rao |
6 | Dr. S.K. Srivastava | 2008 | Prof. P.C. Swain |
7 | Dr. K.C. Sahoo | 2011 | Prof. P.K. Das |
8 | Dr. H.J. Shiv Prasad | 2012 | Prof. P.C. Swain |
9 | Dr. R.K. Kar | 2012 | Prof. P.K. Pradhan |
10 | Dr. D.K. Ghose | 2013 | Prof. P.C. Swain |