Previous Questions
- B.Tech
- B.Tech - 4th Semester Fluid Mechanics
- B.Tech - 1st Environmental Science
- B.Tech -6th Steel Structure
- B.Tech-3rd Civil Engineering Materials and Construction
- B.Tech-3rd Engineering Economics
- B.Tech-3rd Mathematics-III
- B.Tech-3rd Mechanics of Materials
- B.Tech-4th Engineering surveying
- B.Tech-4th Mathematics-IV
- B.Tech-4th Organisation Behaviour
- B.Tech-4th Structural Analysis-I
- B.Tech-5th Environmental Engineering
- B.Tech-5th GTE-I
- B.Tech-5th Structural Design
- B.Tech-6th Advance Surveying
- B.Tech-6th Fluid Dynamics
- B.Tech-6th Steel Structure
- B.Tech-6th Structural Analysis-II Old
- B.Tech-6th Structural Analysis-II
- B.Tech-6th Transportation Engineering-I
- B.Tech-7th Advance Foundation Engineering
- B.Tech-7th Concrete structure-II
- B.Tech-7th CS-II
- B.Tech-7th GTE-II
- B.Tech-7th Hydaulic Structures
- B.Tech-7th Transportation Engineering-II
- B.Tech-8th Environmental Geotechniques
- B.Tech-8th Construction Management
- B.Tech-8th Estmation and Professional Practice
- B.Tech-8th GIT
- B.Tech-8th Ground Improvement Technique
- M.Tech
- M.Tech 2nd (GTE) Ground Improvement Technique
- M.Tech-1st (GE) Advance Soil Mechanics
- M.Tech-1st (GTE) Advance Soil Mechanics
- M.Tech-1st(GTE) Advance Foundation engineering (2)
- M.Tech-1st(GTE) Advance Foundation Engineering
- M.Tech-2nd (ESE, GTE) Environmental Geotechniques
- M.Tech-2nd (GTE) Stabilization Analysis of Slope Dam Embankment
- M.Tech-2nd EAD
- M.Tech-2nd Ground Improvement Technique
- SE
- TE
- M.Tech-1(TE) Analysis of transportation system
- M.Tech-1(TE) Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities 2015
- M.Tech-1st (TE)Pavement Materials
- M.Tech-1st(TE) Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities - 2014
- M.Tech-1st(TE) Traffic Engg. and Managementa
- M.Tech-2nd(TE) Analysis and Design of Pavement
- M.Tech-2nd(TE) Highway Construction Practice
- M.Tech-2nd(TE) Traffic Flow Theory
- M.Tech-2nd(TE) Urban Transportation System Planning