ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Ms. Sudhira Rath

Assistant Professor

Qualification : M.Sc(Engg) (N.I.T,RKL), M.E (T.E) (S.U)

Specialization : Transportation Engineering

M.Sc(Engg) (N.I.T,RKL), M.E (T.E) (S.U)

Transportation Engineering

Teaching: 24 years

Graduate Level : TE-1&2,Surv-1&2,EPP
Post Graduate Level : GDTF,ATS,UTSP&HCP

Transportation Planning

Ph. D. Candidates : NIL
M. Tech. Candidates : 06
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International Publications

  1. “Lime stabilization of weak sub grade for construction of rural roads”-INTERNAIONAL JOURNAL of Earth science & Engineering _ISSN -0974-5904- Vol 05, NO.3 June -2012 Pg-554-561.
  2. “Cost effectiveness of clayey soil & moorum treated with fly-ash & lime for construction of low volume roads” -INTERNAIONAL JOURNAL of Civil & Structural Engineering _ISSN-0976-4399- Vol 02 ,NO.1 Nov- 2011 Pg-370-381.
  3. An experimental study on strength behavior of clayey sub grade soil stabilized with rice husk ash & lime for low volume Road construction”.- INTERNAIONAL JOURNAL of Earth science & Engineering _ISSN -0974-5904- Vol- 04 ,NO.2 April – 2011 Pg- 364-372.

National Publications

  1. “Use of fly-ash & other stabilizing agents for construction of cost effective roads in Sambalpur district of Orissa”._INDIAN HIGHWAYS- July – 2010. Pg -21-25

International Conferences

  1. “Studies on use of lime as a stabilizing agent for construction of cost effective rural roads over weak soil sub grade in Western Orissa”- Dept. Of Civil Engineering –NIT, ROURKELA on 8-10 Oct, 2010.
  2. “An experimental investigation on stabilization of weak soil sub grade with sand, of MDR-36 of Orissa”- Dept. Of Civil Engineering-Chaitanya bharathi institute of technology.2009.
  3. “An experimental & comparative study of sub grade stabilization with Rice Husk ash & lime in low cost rural road construction in Sambalpur District of Orissa”- Organized by The Institution of Engineers ( India)-25-26 Oct,2008.


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Chairperson of UTTC, Chairperson of SH&VWC,VP of Galaxy, VP ofArt&photography club,Asst.warden of Ladies hostel, Member of BOS,DPC,conducting board,PIC of Highway Lab, Deptl Library


Present Address : 
Qr No: 3R/27,
Professors’ Colony,
VSSUT, Burla,
Dist: Sambalpur (Odisha)
  Permanent Address : 
Qr No: 3R/27,
Professors’ Colony,
VSSUT, Burla,
Dist: Sambalpur (Odisha)