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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Rakesh Roshan Dash


Qualification : Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee), M. Tech. (IIT Delhi), B.E. (Utkal Univ.)

Specialization : Environmental Science and Engineering

Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee), M. Tech. (IIT Delhi), B.E. (Utkal Univ.)

Environmental Science and Engineering

  1. Worked as Scientist at Bureau of Indian Standards, Govt. of India: 6 Years (Jan'2007 to Nov'2012)
  2. Faculty at VSSUT : 11.5 Years (Dec'2012 to Cont.)

Graduate Level : Environmental Science & Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Waste Treatment, Waste Management, Urban Drainage and Sewerage System, Air Pollution & Control, Advanced Surveying, Solid & Hazardous Waste Management,
Post Graduate Level : Water Treatment Technology, Water Supply Systems, Solid Waste Management, Urban Drainage Sewerage Systems and Water Distribution, Environmental Impact Assessment, Wastewater Management,

  1. Water Quality & Treatment
  2. River Bank Filtration
  3. Waste Water
Waste Management

Ph. D. Candidates : 2
M. Tech. Candidates : 59 Nos
  1. Received French government scholarship (2002) to complete M. Tech. thesis at INSA de Lyon, France.
  2. Scientific Research Visit to University of Applied Science, Dresden, Germany under EU’s Economic cross cultural program (2006).
  1. Study on Environmental Impact of Fly ash from major Thermal Power Plants in Odisha” Sponsoring Agency: SPCB, Odisha, 2015-16.
  2. Fly Ash Generation & Utilization in Coal Based Thermal Power Stations of Odisha (2013-14)” Sponsoring Agency: SPCB, Odisha, 2014-2015.
  3. Evaluation of water quality of some of the Uttaranchal koops located in Dehradun, Tehri and Pauri Districts, Sponsoring Agency: Uttaranchal Jal Sansthan, Uttarakhand, 2006-2007 .

International Publications

  1. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I., Kumar, P., Grischek, T. “Study of water quality improvements at a riverbank filtration site along the upper course of the River Ganga, India”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52 (16-18): 3355-3366.
  2. “River Bank Filtration in Haridwar, India: Removal of Turbidity, Organics, and Bacteria”, Hydrogeol J., 2010, 18(4): 973-983.
  3. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I., Kumar, P., Grischek, T. “Lake Bank Filtration at Nainital, India: Water Quality Evaluation”, Hydrogeol J., 2008, 16(6): 1089-1099.
  4. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Balomajumdar, C. “Cyanide removal from aqueous solutions by immobilized whole cells of Pseudomonas putida on GAC”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013,52 (16-18): 3355-3366.
  5. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Verma, A., Bhunia, P. “Sand filtration: An effective post treatment option for aerobically treated wastewater, Journal of Industrial Research & Technology, 2012, 2(2), 81-87.

National Publications

  1. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Dash, R. R. “Use of ecotoxicology for municipal solid waste and leachate from sanitary landfill”, Standards India, 2012, 26 (5), 5-10.
  2. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I., Uniyal, H. P. “Bed Filtration: Water Quality Evaluation at Kalsi”, Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, 2005, 25 (2), 31-38.
  3. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Bank Filtration: An Indirect Method of Artificial Recharge”, Standards India, 2012, 25 (12), 10-16 .
  4. Sahoo, S., Mohanty C. R., Panda, H., Dash, Rakesh R. “Industrial wastes for filling materials”, Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 6(1): 101-105.
  5. Panda, H., Sahoo S., Mohanty C. R., Dash Rakesh Roshan “Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by using industrial waste”, Recent Research in Science and Technology, 2014, 6(1): 106-110.
  6. Dash, R. , Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Balomajumdar, C., Kumar, A. “Biodegradation of metal cyanides from cyanide bearing simulated wastewaters by suspended cultures of Stemphylium loti (MTCC 2542)”, International J. Geotechnics and Environment, 2010, 2 (1), 45-54.

International Conferences

  1. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Dash, R., Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Artificial Recharge to Ground Water through Bank/Bed Filtration”, International congress of Environmental Research (ICER-2011), December 15-17, 2011, Surat, India.
  2. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Dash, R., Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Evaluation of water quality at a riverbank filtration site along the upper course of the River Ganga, India”, The Ninth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, December 1-3, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand .
  3. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Parameters to be studied for BF and factors affecting BF processess – Field-studies interpretations”, Indo-German Workshop on Bank Filtration for Sustainable Drinking Water Supply, April 29-30, 2011, Dehradun, India.
  4. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Dash, R., Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I “Water Quality Improvements during Riverbank Filtration”, Proceedings of 7th International R&D Conference on Development and Management of Water and Energy Resources, February 4-6, 2009, p. 336, Bhubaneswar.
  5. Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Planning, Construction and Maintenance of Guide Banks for Alluvial River”, Proceedings of 7th International R&D Conference on Development and Management of Water and Energy Resources, February 4-6, 2009, p.29, Bhubaneswar.
  6. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Water Quality Evaluation of Uttaranchal Koop/Well”, EU-India International River Bank Filtration Conference, November 18-19, 2006, Deptt. of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee, India.
  7. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I., Kumar, P. “Natural Bank / Bed Filtration: Water Supply Schemes in Uttaranchal, India”, Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, EWRI, May 21 - 26, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska, USA doi 10.1061/40856(200)98)].
  8. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I., Uniyal, H. P. “Bed Filtration: Water Quality Evaluation at Kalsi”, EU-India Workshop on River Bank Filtration, 4th April, 2005, IIT Roorkee, India.
  9. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Balomajumdar, C. “Removal of cyanide from cyanide bearing solutions by immobilized whole cells of Pseudomonas putida on GAC”, International congress of Environmental Research (ICER-2011), December 15-17, 2011, Surat, India.
  10. Kumar, P., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I. “Bank Filtration at Nainital, Haridwar and other Sites: Case Studies”, EU-India International River Bank Filtration Conference, November 18-19, 2006, Deptt. of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee, India.
  11. Kumar, P., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I. “Nainital Lake Bank Filtration : A Case Study” Proceedings of Workshop on River Bank Filtration, September, 2005, University of Applied Science, Dresden, Germany.
  12. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Sand filtration: An effective post treatment option for aerobically treated wastewater”, Accepted for International congress of Environmental Research (ICER-2012), November 22-24, 2012, Terengganu, Malaysia.
  13. Dash, R. Bhunia, P., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Verma, A. “Post treatment of effluent from oxidation ditch by sand filtration”, The Ninth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, December 1-3, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
  14. Sahoo, S., Mohanty C. R., Panda, H., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Industrial wastes for filling materials”, International conference on Emerging challenges & issues in environmental protection, January 23-24, 2014, Raipur, India.
  15. Panda, H., Sahoo S., Mohanty C. R., Dash Rakesh Roshan “Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by using industrial waste”, International conference on Emerging challenges & issues in environmental protection , January 23-24, 2014, Raipur, India.
  16. Panda, H., Sahoo S., Tiadi, N., Mohanty C. R., Dash Rakesh Roshan “Sorption of heavy metals from synthetic waste water by using Dolochar”, International conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials (ACECIM'14), March 13-14, 2014, Chennai, India.
  17. Dash, R.R., Mohanty, C.R., Parida, J.R., Sahoo, S., Ansuman,A. “Assesment of performance of filter media of broken bricks and laterite soil for tertiary waste water treatment”, RACE-2014, Oct’2014, Burla, Odisha, India.
  18. Panda, H., Tihadi, N., Dash, R.R., Mohanty, C.R. “Evaluation of the effectiveness of dolochar as an adsorbent from chromimum (VI) removal from sysntheic samples”, RACE-2014, Oct’2014, Burla, Odisha, India.
  19. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Pradhan, P. K. “Industry Institute partnership: Role of Institute”, Proceedings of Workshop on Techno vision 2020, July 12-13, 2014, BPUT & VSSUT, Bhubaneswar.
  20. Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Standardization in Hydraulic Structures Instrumentation”, Proceedings of Seminar on Hydraulic Structures Instrumentation, February 24, 2011, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
  21. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Rural Water Supply: A Case Study”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.562, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  22. Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Guidelines for Selection of Type of Lining and Design Criteria for Lined Canals”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.395, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  23. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “Uttaranchal Koop, A Small Water System: Evaluation of Water Quality”, Proceedings of 8th Specialised Conference on SWWS/ 2nd Specialized Conference on DWWIN in association with International Water Association (IWA), February 6-9, 2008, KCT, Coimbatore.
  24. Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, P., Mehrotra, I. “River Bank Filtration: Haridwar”, EU-India Working Group Meeting and Workshop with NGOs and Farmers on Riverbank Filtration, February 27-28, 2006, Deptt. of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee, India.
  25. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Treatment of cyanide bearing water/wastewater in an up flow bioreactor”, Proceedings of Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Development, February 8-9, 2013, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
  26. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Artificial Recharge through Riverbank Filtration”, Proceedings of Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Development, February 8-9, 2013, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
  27. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Bank Filtration: An Indirect Method of Artificial Recharge”, Proceedings of Seminar on Rain Water Harvesting & Artificial Ground Water Recharge, January 18, 2012, p. 9.1, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
  28. Dash, R., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Swami, N., Kaur, R., Kumar, B. “Post Treatment of Wastewater from Oxidation Ditch by Sand Filtration”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.542, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  29. Kumar, P., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Mehrotra, I. “Study of Water Quality Improvements in term of Coliform Removal during River Bank Filtration at some North India Drinking Water Utilities”, Workshop on Pathogen Removal during River Bank Filtration, September 22-23, 2007, Department of Civil Engineering, IITR, Roorkee.
  30. Dash, R., Parida, M., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Public Transportation System Requirement in Bhubaneswar”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.330, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  31. Dash, R., Balomajumdar, C., Dash, Rakesh Roshan, Kumar, A. “Treatment of Cyanide Bearing Water/ Wastewater in an Up-flow Bioreactor”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.622, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  32. Debnath, S., Dash, R., Dutta, R. K., Dash, Rakesh Roshan “Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste on Properties of Soil”, Proceedings of Civil Engineering Conference-Innovation without limits, CEC-09, September 18-19, 2009, p.490, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
  1. 8 (Indian Standards), 2 Chapters in books
  1. Warden of Pulaha Hall of Residence (2015)
  2. Controller of Examination (2014-15)
  3. Warden of Marichi Hall of Residence (2014)
  4. Co-ordinator IIIC (2013-14)
  5. Vice President Dramatic Society (2013-14)
  6. Co-coordinator for Dept. time table (2013-14)
  1. Worked in the EU - India Riverbank Filtration Network Project under European Union’s Economic cross cultural program (2006).
  2. Received ISO (International Organization for Standardization) sponsorship to attend the ISO International Workshop on Water in Kobe, Japan, 25-26 July 2012.
Present Address : 
QTR No. 3R/22, UCE Colony (VSSUT), Burla, Dist- Sambalpur, Odisha- 768018
  Permanent Address : 
S/o K C Dash, Brahman Sahi, Khandapara, Dist- Nayagarh,  Odisha-752077