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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Debabrata Giri

Associate Professor

Qualification : B.TECH (CET, BBSR), M.TECH (NIT, RKL), Ph.D (IIT, KGP)

Specialization : Geotechnical Engineering


Geotechnical Engineering

24 Years

Graduate Level : Geotechnical Engg-I, Geotechnical Engg. –II, Environmental Geotechnic
Post Graduate Level : Advanced Soil Mechanics,Soil Structure Interaction, Geo-engineering site Investigation, Dynamics of Soils and Foundation

Soil Stabilization Soil dynamics, Dynamic Slope Analysis

Ph. D. Candidates : NIL
M. Tech. Candidates : 19 numbers of M.Tech thesis
  1. GATE-1994
1. Life member: ISTE 2. Life member: IGS 3. Life member: ISRC
  1. Odisha Govt. Sponsored “Time Motion Study” Project

International Publications

  1. Giri, D. (2014) “Pseudo-dynamic approach of passive earth pressure behind cantilever retaining wall with inclined back-fill” Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering,9(1),72-78.
  2. Giri, D. (2011) “ Pseudo-dynamic approach of active earth pressure behind cantilever retaining wall with inclined back-fill” Journal of Geomechanics and Engineering, 3(4), 255-266.
  3. Sengupta, A., Giri, D. (2011) “Dynamic analysis of soil-nailed Slope”, Ground Improvement, 164(GI14), 225-234.
  4. Giri, D. and Sengupta, A. (2009) “Dynamic behavior of small scale nailed soil slopes” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 27(6), 687-698.
  5. Giri, D. and Sengupta, A. (2010) “Dynamic Behavior of Small-Scale Model of Nailed Steep Slopes” Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering. 5(2), 99-108.
  6. Giri, D. and Sengupta, A. (2009) “A Kinematic Limit Approach for the Stability Analysis of Nailed Soil Slopes” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 10(2), 163-176.
  7. Giri, D. and Sengupta, A. (2010) “Dynamic Behaviour of Small-Scale Model Slopes in Shaking Table Tests” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, J. Ross Publishing Inc., 4(1), 1-11.

International Conferences

  1. D. Giri., A.K. Sabat, M. S. Rao. (2006). “Effect of specimen geometry on consolidation parameters of soil sample” National IGS conference, Dec 14-16, IIT,Madras, pp. 243-246.
  2. D. Giri and A. Sengupta. (2009) “Performance of Small Scale Nailed Embankment in Shaking Table Tests” Proc. of Nat. Sem. on Emerging Trends in Ground Improvement, Kolkata, May, 22-23, pp 29-34.
  3. D. Giri and A. Sengupta. (2010) “Behavior of Nailed Steep Slopes in Laboratory Shake Table Tests.” Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances In Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics and Symposium in honor of professor I. M. Idriss, SAN diego, CA, May, 24-29.
  1. Text of Foundation Engineering by Kalyani Publisher
  2. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Structures, ALOK Publication (2004).
  3. Text Book on Foundation Engineering, Kalyani Publisher (2014).
Advance And Innovation In Civil Engineering, Recent Advances and Innovation in Transportation Engineering
• Faculty Advisor Civil Engineering Society from 13-12-2016 to 07.02.2018 • Vice president Sports and Yoga from 03-12-2016 to 24.09.2018 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. Warden Pulastya Hall of Residence from 07-12-2018 to 14-04-2021 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. Member Board of Studies for the for the year 2017-18,2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. Faculty in charge Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory from 03.01.2017 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. Member Board of Studies, GIET University, Gunupur, Odisha from 18.12.2018 till date Member of Training and Placement Council at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. Member of DRC, GIET University, Gunupur, Odisha Member of Student Monitoring and Counselling Committee (SMCC) at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Professor In Charge, Civil Maintenance PG(Geotechnical Engg.) Coordinator PIC, Geotechnical Engoneering Laboratory


Present Address : 
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla
  Permanent Address : 
Quarter No F3R/32, Professor colony-II, VSSUT,Burla