ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Anil Kumar Kar


Qualification : B.Sc. (Engg) (S.U), M.Tech (IIT Roorkee), Ph.D (IIT Roorkee)

Specialization : Water Resources Engineering

B.Sc. (Engg) (S.U), M.Tech (IIT Roorkee), Ph.D (IIT Roorkee)

Water Resources Engineering

  1. Under Dept. of Water Resources, Govt. of Odisha
    • Assistant Engineer, Sept.1991- Feb.2014
    • Assistant Executive Engineer- Feb.2014-Dec.2014
    • Deputy Executive Engineer- Dec.2014-Dec.2016
  2. Under VSSUT
    • Associate Professor, Dec. 2016 - till date

Graduate Level : Fluid Dynamics, Hydraulics Lab, Water Power Engineering
Post Graduate Level : Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Resources, Computational Lab

Modelling in Water Resources, Flood Frequency, Soft Computing, Climate Change, Hydrological Data Management and Analysis.

Ph. D. Candidates : 04 No (Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 07 (completed), 04 (continuing)
  1. NIL
Life Member India Water Resources Society (IWRS)
  1. Hydrological and hydrogeological survey within around 10km radius of Bhusan Steel Ltd. Dhenkanal during April 2017 to March 2018.
  2. Hydrological and hydrogeological survey within around 10km radius of Bhusan Steel Ltd. Dhenkanal during April 2018 to March 2019.
  3. Hydro-geology and permeability study for proposed fly ash disposal area of Bhushan Steel Limited near Saptasajya, Dhenkanal
  4. UNDP sponsored program “Developing an Integrated Land and Water Management Plan facilitating Mitigation Measures and Adaptation Strategies on CCA and DRR concerns” for coastal Puri district of Odisha, India during July to Dec. 2013.

International Publications

  1. Identification of Flood vulnerable zones in Mahanadi Delta based on post-Hirakud Historical data (Accepted for publication in International Journal of Water)
  2. Kar, A.K., Lohani, A.K. Goel, N.K., and Roy, G.P. (2010) “Development of Flood Forecasting  System using Statistical and ANN Techniques in the    Downstream Catchment of Mahanadi basin”, India, Journal of Water Resources and Protection, Vol. 2(10), pp.880-887.
  3. Lohani, A.K., Kar, A.K. and Goel, M.K. (2011) “Mahanadi basin me baadh pravandhan”, National conference on “Jal sansadhano ke prabandhan me navintam taknik ka prayog,” NIH, Roorkee, Dec. 16-17, 2011.
  4. Kar, A. K., Lohani, A. K., Goel, N. K. and Roy, G. P.,(2012) “Application of Clustering Techniques using Prioritised Variables in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis - a Case Study of Mahanadi Basin”, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 17(1). pp. 213-223.
  5. Jhajharia, D., Yadav, B.K., Maskey, S., Chatopadhyay, S. and Kar, A.K.(2012)  “Identification of trends in rainfall, rainy days and 24 hours maximum rainfall over sub-tropical Assam of North-East India.” Elsevier, Journal of CR Geosciences, Vol. 344(2012), pp.1-13.
  6.   Kar, A.K., Winn, L.L, Lohani, A.K. and Goel, N. K. (2012) “A Soft Computing Based Workable Flood Forecasting Model for Ayeyarwady River basin of Myanmar, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 17(7). pp. 807-822.
  7. Ajeet Singh Chhabra, Anil Kumar Lohani, VKD Dwivedi, Anil Kumar Kar, Joshi, N. (2014)“Identifying rainfall trends over North India using 1’X1’gided rainfall data(1951-2004), International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 7, No.01, pp. 155-163.
  8. Anil Kumar Kar, Anil Kumar Lohani, N K Goel, G P Roy, (2015) “Rain gauge network design for flood forecasting using multi-criteria decision analysis and clustering techniques in lower Mahanadi river basin, India”,  Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Vol. (4), pp.313-332.
  9. Krishna Kumar Gupta, Anil Kumar Kar, Joy Gopal Jena and Dipti Ranjan Jena “Variation   in Rainfall Trend at Upstream - A Threat towards Filling Schedule of Hirakud Reservoir, Accepted and on Print,  International Journal of Water.
  10. Krishna Kumar Gupta, Anil Kumar Kar, Joy Gopal Jena and Dipti Ranjan Jena “Forecasting the rainfall pattern on upstream of Hirakud reservoir using L-moment for accessing the inflow” Accepted and on Print,  International Journal of Engineering and Technology.

International Conferences

  1. Kar, A.K., Lohani, A.K., Goel, N.K. and Roy, G.P. (2009) “Flood forecasting network of Mahanadi basin – a critical review”, Second India Disaster Management Congress, 4-6 Nov.2009, New Delhi, India.
  2. Kar, A.K., Lohani, A.K., Goel, N.K. and Roy, G.P. (2009) “Flood problem of Mahanadi basin: Issues and measures”, National Symposium on Climate Change and Water Resources in India (CCWRIN), NIH, Roorkee, India, Nov.18-19, 2009.
  3. Kar, A. K. and Sarkar, S. (2010) Technical Report on “Exposure to AUTOCAD for preparation of drawings”, International training course on Urban flood modeling and drainage design. March 22-27, 2010, Department of Hydrology, IIT, Roorkee.
  4. Kumar,S, Sharma, A.K. and Kar, A.K. (2010) “Further Evidence on Relative and   Incremental Information Content of EVA and Traditional Performance Measures from Select Indian Companies,” Excellence in Research and Education Conference (EREC-2010),May 2010, I.I.M, Indore, India.
  5. Kar, A.K., Lohani, A.K., Goel, N.K. and Roy, G.P. (2010) “Changing climate of Mahanadi basin”, 2nd International conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Management of Water Resources (TIMS10) at ITM Universe Gwalior, India, Dec.5-7.
  6. Kar, A. K., Lohani, A.K., Goel, N.K. and Roy, G.P. (2010)Development of a fuzzy flood forecasting model for downstream of Hirakud reservoir of Mahanadi basin, India”, International Workshop on River Management (IWRM2010), New Delhi, India, Dec.14-16.
  7. Goel, N.K., Karki, B., Kar, A.K., and Arya, D.S. (2012),‘ Development of regional flood frequency relationships for Nepal using SRTM data enabled attributes and clustering‘  accepted  for publication in 10th  International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2012, Hamburg, Germany July 14-18, 2012.
  8. Ajeet Singh Chhabra, A. K. Lohani, V. K. Dwivedi, Anil Kar and Nitin Joshi “Identifying rainfall trends over North India using 1’X1’ gridded rainfall data (1951-2004)”, International conference on Advances in Water Resources Development and Management (AWRDM-2013), Punjab University, Chandigarh, Oct. 23-27, 2013.
  9. Krishna Kumar Gupta, Joy Gopal Jena, Anil Kumar Kar and Gopal Prasad Roy (2013) “A theoretical analysis of the Live Storage Capacity of Hirakud Reservoir” National conference on Hydrology with Special emphasis on rain Water Harvesting (NCHRWH-2013) Nov.15-16, 2013 at Poornima Group of Institute, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
  10. Anil Kumar Lohani, Anil Kumar Kar, N.K. Goel and R.D.Singh (2013) “Development of a flood forecasting model using ANN and Fuzzy logic” National conference on Hydrology with Special emphasis on rain Water Harvesting (NCHRWH-2013) Nov.15-16, 2013 at Poornima Group of Institute, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
  11. Gopal Prasad Roy, Anil Kumar Kar, Kabir Mohan Sethy, Manoj Kumar Meher  (2014),“Subsidence of right embankment of Devee River near Bauriakana in Mahanadi basin- a critical geomorphological review”, International Conference on Decision Support System on Early Warning and Mitigation of Disasters, Dec 28-30, 2014, NIT, Durgapur


  1. NIL
  1. River System Analysis and Management (2016) published by Springer( ISBN 978-981-10-1471-0), Edited by Dr. Nayan Sharma, IIT Roorkee- One sub chapter on flood forecasting at Downstream of Hirakud dam using fuzzy techniques.
  1. Co-ordinator for 2 week AICTE QIP sponsored STC on Recent Advances in Hydrological Application (RAHA)-28.05.2018 to 09.06.2018
  2. Course coordinator in Induction Training Programme for newly recruited Assistant Executive Engineers of Water Resources Dept. from 17.03.2016 to 29.05.2016.
  1. PIC- Departmental Library, Civil Engg.
  2. Coordinator NSS, VSSUT
  3. Vice-President, Cultural Society, VSSUT


Present Address : 
  Permanent Address : 
C/o- Upendra Nath Kar, Uttara Kausalyagang
Via- Bhubaneswar-2
Dt. Puri, Odisha
Land Phone- 0674-2465425